Cover Letters That Will Get You the Job You Want

Product Description
Wynett, who runs Stan Wynett Resumes, shows job-seekers how to introduce themselves and their resumes with 100 tested cover letters that have really worked. He offers an in-depth discussion of the battle to get noticed, points out the common mistakes that most cover letter-writers make, and provides lessons from advertising and specific writing devices that will get results.

Cover Letters That Will Get You the Job You Want

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5 Responses to “Cover Letters That Will Get You the Job You Want”

  1. I read through it and it is very well done. The writing is lively and you had alot of creative tips. It certainly was engaging for the subject matter. I particularly like your use of real-world examples and the 100 sample cover letters! The only thing I didn’t like about the book was the cover, which seemed a bit cheezy. Barbara Mattleman
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. Jen Cope says:

    I wanted a cover letter that would make employers sit up and look at me enough to offer me a paid internship. We were told in school that cover letters would either make us or break us to the point of nonexistence. So I bought your book at Amazon.com. Cover Letters That Will Get You the Job You Want is fantastic. Hit a bull’s eye. I started to wonder how my old cover letters got responded to when there are the ones done by you going around. I read your book cover to cover, and I am now armed to write.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. Thorough. Comprehensive. Upbeat. Strong examples. Will definitely use with our students. Asst. Director, Undergraduate Career Services, Pace University

    This is the most comprehensive and current publication on cover letters, and the “art” of writing available. Director of Career Services, University of Alaska

    Very informative and highly readable. Chapters 1- 10 are must reading for any MBA student. The book will be particularly helpful to our international students. Asst. Director of Career Services, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester.

    I was glad to see the very large number of sample letters. That’s important because students often tend to follow too closely examples we show them and not use their own creativity in developing their letters. Director, Office of Career Development, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY

    Well organized and easy to read. I especially like the NOTE: on each letter. Alumni Placement Counselor, Auburn University

    A delight. The aggressive, accomplishment-based style is a real plus. Director, Career Center, St. John’s University, Queens, NY

    I especially liked the “mechanics” on p. 8. I don’t know how many students I’ve had to teach on the basic structure of a letter. Career Counselor, California Institute of Technology

    As valuable as the examples are (and you’ve compiled as complete a list as I’ve ever seen in one publication), the true value of the book is that you provide a “NOTE” that brings the example to life. Director of Placement and Career Counseling, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. Heike says:

    This book is definitley not worth considering if you want are trying to compose an effective cover letter. I have worked in human resources for several years and cover letters starting with either” books are as important as bread…” or “have you not found that granting loans involves knowledge…”"I have been thinking of what else I might do to line up new buisiness opportunities…” are just not even worth reading. They do not catch one’s attention or at least not the kind of attention you want to attract.The examples provided in the book are nothing but very simple written sentences like”…I wish I had space to list all of my qualities…”- I mean what kind of an excuse is that to make a letter short? I cannot believe this book was recommended on an online job search. It is a joke!

    I sure hope this review gets posted as I do think bad reviews also have to be included to ensure the free marketplace of opinion! heikecita
    Rating: 1 / 5

  5. Anonymous says:

    As a professional resume writer and career consultant, I am always looking for books with innovative strategies for developing materials, and this is among the best. Stan not only describes HOW to write a winning cover letter (capture attention, talk to your audience, etc.), but his book is chock full of examples for professionals in just about every field. “Cover Letters that Will Get You the Job You Want” has revolutionized the way I write cover letters, and the result has been a 100% increase in my referral business. There are only a few cover letter books I recommend whole heartedly. This is at the top of the list. — Anne Follis, Certified Professional Resume Writer, CareerPro, Peoria, Illinois
    Rating: 5 / 5

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