How to Get a Job : Creative Resume Writing

Creativity when writing a resume is important to separate it from the many other resumes submitted for a job position. Use a few of these creative resume writing tips to make a resume stand out in the crowd of applications, with advice from acareer adviser in this free video on job guidance. Expert: Pat Goodwin Contact: www.PatGoodwinAssociates.com Bio: Pat Goodwin is an executive coach, trainer and career development professional. Goodwin is the owner and founder of Pat Goodwin Associates …
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24 Responses to “How to Get a Job : Creative Resume Writing”

  1. samspader101 says:

    Your informtion appears to be generic information. Paper and ink resumes may be considered stone-age at the present time. With stacks of resumes piling up on the HR’s desk, how is a resume going to get noticed?

  2. supertrex2 says:

    AAS -in Progress

  3. ForgottenCavalry says:

    assoc deg is the equivalent of an “Adv. Dip.”

  4. Bozzy83 says:

    im scared and there are wolves after me……maybe i shouldnt put that in my resume.

  5. 760alien says:

    you are all fake

  6. ronniejamesdiofan says:

    How do you write a resume for the Trojan condom company? I heard they need many positions filled.

  7. cingle2004jp says:

    I gotcha

  8. dixielandjeff says:

    What would I put under Education if I am currently going for my Associates Degree????

  9. ShroomSamich says:

    can i write down that im a chemist studying the affects of psychoactive drugs on humans or not?

  10. Feddex123 says:

    turn it up then

  11. Lordmandis says:

    Its to quiet cant hardly hear what shes saying

  12. xiaomekishiko says:

    thank you very much! your idvices were encouraging!

    arigatou gozaimashita!^-^

  13. wemypad26 says:

    what the fuck

  14. jalemo21 says:


  15. codwell4life says:

    dude…shes old

  16. HalfEatenDimSim says:

    how about you give me a blowjopb cocksucking motherfucker

  17. HalfEatenDimSim says:


  18. HalfEatenDimSim says:


  19. 0xXEliXx0 says:

    his grammar isn’t exactly phenomenal but it’s possible that he made a simple typo since he clearly did with “jopb,” and by no means did it warrant an insult

  20. L3O420 says:

    I can’t help it, I have an ass.
    and I just couldn’t refuse the opportunity to point it out, and you have to admit his grammar is bad.

  21. 0xXEliXx0 says:

    don’t be an ass…

  22. L3O420 says:

    It indeed is very hard to get a job, especially in this economy. But it’s even harder to get a job, when some one has grammar such as you.

  23. Johnnyart2000 says:

    Excellent, Thank You!!!

  24. licassidy says:

    its is hard to get a jopb

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