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There are thousands of sample resumes on the internet. Some are good, some are not so good.
If you’re looking for resume samples to help you write your own CV or resume, look carefully.
Here’s our advice:
Look for sample resumes which relate directly to the field in which you want to work. Resume examples styles vary according to the job sector you’re approaching. Some employers prefer the traditional reverse chronological resume layout. Others, in the IT sector for example, prefer to see ‘Combination’ or ‘Functional’ CV and resume styles.
Look for resume samples which match the level of job you’re applying for too. Don’t over-pitch or under-pitch your CV or resume. Interviewers hoping to fill professional posts will have much higher expectations for resumes than those looking to fill entry level jobs. You don’t want to appear over or under qualified/skilled for the position.
If you find a sample resume you like, don’t be tempted to pinch too much from it. You want your CV or resume to tell a story about you and its far better to use your own words to do this than other peoples.
But do take ideas from sample resumes and the occasional word or phrase if it adds to your presentation.
And make sure:
Your CV or resume is as much to the point as possible.
You have done the right research about the Company and job to be able to tailor your CV or resume to it.
You have asked someone you trust to read the advert and then your resume or CV and give an honest opinion.
There are no lies.
There are no grammar or spelling mistakes.
If you would like more help writing a winning CV or resume, check out sample resumes page and our CV Writing Guide.
We are 4 interviewers with over 67 years of recruitment experience between us and we want to help you snag a job — your dream job. Our website provides free help and advice on all aspects of finding a job, from cover letters and resumes, to sample interview questions and answers.
Image taken on 2005-03-23 17:22:05. Image Source. (Used with permission)