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Job Search, Plan Yours!

Job Seekers looking for a right career are indeed a full scale onslaught. So like a war having objectives but with no clear job searching plan, their endeavours are nothing more than a futile attempt.

Today pattern for job searching have changed if comparing that with the past few years. Employers, they are more concerned about their wants. They could care less about what job seekers are looking for. Employers are at all not interested in to read objective statements from job seekers CV, at least it couldn’t not play a catalyst role in hiring decision. Instead, replace objective part with an announcement of what you can add as a value which makes a difference to the organization if they hire you. Job searching is more like a competition. If you haven’t sincerely taken the time out to widen a broad job searching preparation, then you’re wasting your energies to face collapse. So why job searching plan is quite important? It’s because that the distances has narrowed, thus this has also provided an access to a global job seekers to reach world job market. In one line “Global job seeking competition” has started.

Don’t completely depend on your CV to find you a job and off course don’t absolutely rule out the impact of robust CV. Some important points that should be highlighted things on your CV;

1. Reason of both CV and cover letter is to provide information. Ensure that it answers to what an employer wants from candidates.

2. Job Seekers reflection as a professional should be seen and able to market your abilities & skills.

3. CV should be to the point not including unnecessary details. Avoid grammar & spelling mistakes.

Recruiter & Employers don’t make hiring choice based on only cvs. With proper job strategy with considerate dialogue between candidate & hiring team can build a ground to proceed. It’s an intelligent job searching plan that can triggered things in candidate favour and chances will increase that job seekers accomplish their job search targets.

Nawaz is an author for this article. Article Source:

Image taken on 2009-03-05 15:56:55. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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