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Employment is defined as the ability of people who are capable and qualified by age to work by law of any country are able to secure a paying job and in reverse, it is UNEMPLOYMENT. However, there are different types of unemployment as stated herein and ways whereby each of them benefit and impact the society in which they occur. Below are the types, causes and possible solutions through which each of them can be curbed.
First, types:
1-Seasonal Unemployment: Although, this is not a serious type of unemployment as it occurs just in a very short period of time within a year and only to industries that their production is subject to seasonal variations.
2-Casual Unemployment: This type of unemployment usually reduces the standard of economy of the society in which such exist when it is at alarming rate. The numbers of unskilled citizen in a society constitute this type of unemployment.
3-Residual Unemployment: This is a permanent but less effective in the economy and citizens that fall in this group deserve care the most. They are the disabled citizen either mentally, physically, temporarily or permanently disabled, they deserve care the most.
4-Under Employment: This is the most affecting and active group of unemployment. This type of unemployment occurs when the available labour is far less than the available labour force and thereby results to excessive labour force on the street. This type of unemployment also affects almost every citizen in a society once attained the labour age according to the law of the country and is unable to secure a paying job. When we say “Unemployment: The backbone of Crime” this is the group of unemployment we are referring to because this comprises of the working age mostly YOUTH and who are prone to criminal activities.
Result of Unemployment:
As an idle hand is a devil workshop, so also, an unemployed man will need by all means to get what he needs even by participating in criminal acts. But instead of staying idle, for one to be free from devil; why not try some of these tactics below and see how profiting they are?
Above are the little to mention in types of unemployment and their causes. Now, let see what can be done to curb this type of unemployment. I mean, UNDER EMPLOYMENT in particular.
Possible Solutions:
First and fore most, Government of such country has a very big role to perform in such situation by providing the citizens with conducive and enabling environment by enacting fair and friendly laws for entrepreneurs so as to increase their influx into the country.
Creation of manufacturing companies dominated mostly by citizen in both skilled and unskilled areas of specialization in the company.
Creativity: This is the ability of one to produce something new. As the government cannot serve the all populace, a sensible and reasonable citizen should not only depend on the government job or company, one should be creative, be the boss for yourself, create something new or something in existence in a modern and better way for people to consume and from there, one should be earning his daily bread hassle free.
And of cause, the use of IT is one the most profiting means and common among youth these days. It is some how affordable and “drops of water make a mighty ocean” as times goes on, things will yield and will be better rather than smearing ones fatherland.
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