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I’m at a lost for how to word my cover letter. I am currently out of work on disability/maternity and I want to look for a new job. I would like to start applying for positions now since where I live jobs aren’t plentiful. My maternity benefits are up at the end of December so I would like to start a new job in January. How do you diplomatically put on your resume: I can’t start until January 1st? And where would you put it (last line, first line, etc).
Also should I start applying for specific jobs now or should I just send out general inquiries to companies.
Image taken on 2008-10-31 06:07:38. Image Source. (Used with permission)
I’d apply to specific jobs. It takes a few weeks to go through the interview and hiring process and I would start your search immediately.
I would not put it in your cover letter about your availability. That’s something for the interview. The person screening your resume might not be the same one doing the interviewing, etc. and based on the interviewer’s schedule they might not be able to meet with you until the middle of December. Plus with the holidays coming up I think January 1st is reasonable. I would not want your resume to be put to the side by someone who did not fully understand the process because they think that’s “too far away”. Plus it’s your skill set the employer wants, and if you have what they want they will wait an extra week for you.
Good luck.