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I’ve tried flash, but was not really great for video. Tried Director, but am having trouble fitting documents with graphs to fit on the stage screen at a reasonable size. Basically, what i’d love is for someone to be able to navigate to my video portfolio or my professional writing portfolio, and actually be able to read the text once it appears on screen. In Director, the Video samples are fine, but it’s the text-with-graphs documents that are the problem (RTF of course loses the graphs)
Any help anyone can provide would be very appreciated. THanks!
Image taken on 2009-09-28 15:21:31. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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Most companies dont want anything except dot doc resumes as they are not scannable, concentrate your effort on posting to multiple job boards with a MS word produced resume for your best results, as the fanciest UNREAD resume is not as valuable as a read resume
I suggust u to use ulead video studio
You can easily make poofy stuff with Swishmax. It is quite easy to import a .avi(video file) etc. It is far less complicated to use then a Macromedia program.
You could do this with alot of stuff, such as ms powerpoint.
Your resume should be in the form of a .pdf though, so you get the most exposure out of it.
If you want to do something online or web based you can go as crazy as you want.
hope that helps,