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Lost my job in April was collecting. . found a part time 32 hr job at wal mart in the deli. my problem is i have hearing aids and still cant hear the people i need to serve. my pay is same as unemployment. any other job in this store pays $2 less. is ther a way to go back and collect till i find a full time job with benefits. (i am also a diabetic and have no insurance. cant get the medication i need?? please help if you have any info on this. thank you.
Image taken on 2009-04-16 10:05:20. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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If you took a full time job,You are telling the UE(unemployment center) You do not need their assistance anymore.It could raise a red flag with UE if you quit your full time job at walmart that will provide benefits to go back to collecting unemployment.Unemployment is only temporary until you get back on your feet and working. Good advice I can give is talk to your manager and ask if there is another department they could put you in because of your disability. You may not like the paycut if you are moved but I am sure you will get raises..To remember as well,Be grateful you are employed and making a income in this economic crisis
Mentioning you have diabetes,Is there a walk in clinic in your area that helps people who is under-insured or you can apply for medicaid from your local assistance office which could help you get supplies until you get insurance from Walmart?Diabetes is something not to mess around or ignore. Hopefully this would give you some insight on what to do.
Good luck!
check out best-items-to-buy dot com for a link to making money. It is not a get rich scheme but can provide crucial details on how to supplement your income for just a couple of dollars
You should qualify for “medically needy” within the Medicaid program of your State although it varies from State to State.
Hopefully withing next election we should start seeing changes in the Health System.