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ust be polite to them at all times. Read further to get more information related to the importance of being polite.
The importance of being polite can be best understood by putting yourself in others place. Assume you are hiring a manager for a retail store. If you meet two applicants, one who responds with respect and the other is a bit too casual for your liking, who will you hire? Obviously you would choose the one who is polite. It’s well known that employers choose the polite ones.
The main reason for companies to choose polite people for them is that their employees can make a difference by making or breaking their business, more so when direct contacts with the customer is necessary. To keep their setting, retailers need and want employees who are polite, welcoming and warm. Employees who have an attitude that does not please the customer can cause the customers to look for other firms. Hence, it is vital that while dealing with employers, you must be polite and your attitude must be pleasing. This goes for any type of industry or company you work or apply for.
Also, it is of much importance that you be polite to everyone whom you meet. One of the main mistakes made by job seekers is this. They have a feeling that they ought to please only their employers and none else. While your politeness and concentration should be on your interviews of employer, you also have to keep other things in mind. In the event that you drop an application, you must greet the employer in a very pleasant manner. Employers usually drop in a word or two about their employees to their superiors, more so of their unpleasant experiences they had while dropping off resumes.
If you get a call regarding the schedule for your interview, your employers, most probably, won’t be the ones calling you. Their secretaries or assistants usually handle these things. This does not mean that you can talk in whatever way you wish to. You must be polite and pleasing, unmindful of the person you are having a conversation with. Attending other calls or being cold towards the person who is talking to you on the phone will be the worst things you could ever do to yourself. Be polite and say “thank you” and other pleasing words. Your ignorance towards these basic things can cause troubles at a later date.
The scenarios mentioned above are some situations where job seekers need to be very cautious about their behavior and must be as polite as possible. Politeness comes in different forms. Even a “please” or a “thank you” will suffice for important ones who look for exactly these in their employees.
Abhishek is an expert at conducting interviews and he has got some great Interview Success Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 82 Pages Ebook, “How To Ace Any Interview” from his website Only limited Free Copies available.
Image taken on 2009-04-16 13:00:12. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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