We all probably know that the resume formats that we send out are what will make or break the professional relationship that we want to create with a potential employer. Even before you have actually met a person, the sample resume could be the reason that you either do or do not get that all important interview call. There are certain words, phrases and writing styles that you would do well to avoid using in your resume sample:
Don’t use old fashioned, flowery language; it does not give the impression of a modern professional who is up to date with business verbiage and usage. For instance don’t use phrases such as ‘strong work ethic’; this phrase is nearly redundant now in this day and age.
Don’t use ambiguous terms such as “proven track record” on your resume format; it sounds as though you are dissembling and are unable to provide actual facts and figures to communicate your achievements. Rather use dollar numbers, facts and percentages to illustrate your point.
Rather than use words like ‘assisted’ use words like managed, achieved or multitasked. This indicates that you are a doer and a problem solver rather who is able to go it on their own rather than a small cog in a big wheel. Also it is all very well to indicate that you are willing to work as a part of a unit, but avoid the use of trite phrases such as Team Player, rather use words that indicate ability to use initiative and enterprise.
Indicate your experience but avoid using words that will make you sound jaded. Saying you are a seasoned professional in your resume sample will offer the impression of the applicant being rather mature for the position.
Now you may well be a good communicator with great human skills but it is rather superfluous to state this in your resume format. Rather if those skills have actually got you real or pivotal results in some cases, then state those in brief.
You may be highly organized and may have a good eye for detail, but saying so on your resume may convey the impression that you are rather pedantic and tend to get lost in the details. It may convey the impression that you are the sort that loses sight of the big picture while being preoccupied with dotting I’s and crossing Ts.
Concentrate on facts rather than descriptive adjectives.
Also the passive voice is something that should be kept out of a resume. It makes the person sound indirect and equivocal and unable to state a fact in exact terms.
Also make sure you steer clear of irrelevant personal details as these could actually be the reason that a resume gets rejected, either due to the reader’s personal prejudices or any other.
So while paying sufficient attention to things that your resume must state, give a considered amount of thought to the words and phrases that it should not contain, in order that you have your resume sample send out the best possible message.
Click here for examples of resumes. You will find free sample resumes that you can customize as per your needs. Sample resumes available for every industry and profession.
Image taken on 2009-09-30 00:00:40. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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