If you get offered a job but decline it or decide not to call back that potential employer with your decision, is that employer required to tell the unemployment office of your particular state? Does unemployment benefits become denied? I mean, what if I decide I don’t want the job? That means I’m denied benefits??
Image taken on 2010-02-09 14:22:13. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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u hav the right to choose which job u want
And unless you were referred to the job by the unemployment office, then the potential employer has no reason whatsoever to contact them.
When you are on unemployment one of the questions that is asked is “were you offered work?” (the actual way this question is asked is different by state). If you answer “no” – you are committing unemployment fraud and if you get caught you could be required to pay back unemployment benefits with a penalty. If you answer “yes” but didn’t accept it, you may be required to explain why you didn’t take the job. If it’s not a good reason, you could get unemployment taken away.
The only time the job would notify unemployment is when the job is with a former employer, that has reoffered you work. If you don’t accept the work, they can request that your unemployment be cancelled.