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Are you currently unhappy with your employer or your job? If you regularly find yourself in a work related conflicts, if you are regularly required to work late, or if you unsatisfied with your current pay, you may be interested in changing jobs. If this is something that you would like to do, you are advised to proceed with caution. Terminating your position with your current employer and finding a new job is something that is more than possible to do, but you need to be careful with your actions, as they can have dire consequences.
Before officially deciding to quit your current job and find a new one, you will want to examine your reasons for quitting. You shouldn’t quit your job if you are finding yourself faced with difficult coworkers or another small problem. Your job is your source of income and you should never, at all possible costs, let another individual or a small issue prevent you from making money that you or your family may need to survive. With that in mind, if you feel unsafe at work, feel as if you cannot advance any further, or if you need a new job to help you support your family, you will want to examine all of your options.
Speaking of examining all of your options, you may want to consider examining the current employment outlook or employment situation in or around your area. Unfortunately, many individuals end up quitting their jobs on impulse and many are unhappy to learn that there are only a limited number of job openings in or around their area. As previously stated, if you rely on your income to pay your bills or to help you support your family, you may want to refrain from making impulse decisions concerning your employment.
Since it is advised that you examine the current employment outlook in your area, you will want to start examining all current job openings in or around the areas in which you are willing to work. You can easily do this with local newspaper employment sections or the internet, namely career job posting websites. What you will want to do is examine the current pay levels for all open jobs, if the information is given to you. If you can survive on the listed income, you will then want to examine all job requirements, such as any needed training or work experience. While you may be awarded a job that you are under qualified for, it is advised that you do not count on this happening.
If you are satisfied with what you see, you may want to start applying for open job positions in your area. This is the time where you may want to consider submitting your resignation, with a two weeks notice, to your current employer, but the decision is yours to make in the end. Regardless of whether you are interested in submitting your resignation now or in a few day or weeks, you may want to start applying for all job openings that interest you right away, as many of the best jobs tend to fill up with applicants quickly.
Before you go about applying for jobs, it is important that you “brush,” up your resume. In fact, you will first want to make sure that you have a resume to submit. You can easily find free resume templates online or with most computer programs, such as Microsoft Word or Works. You can also hire the services of a professional resume writer, should you wish to do so. A professional looking resume is important, as it is what can enable you to land a job interview and possibly be awarded the job of your dreams.
The above mentioned points and steps are all things that you will want to take into consideration, should you be interested in changing jobs. As a reminder, it is advised that you do not terminate your current position with your current employer until you know for sure that you are able to get a new job or at least know that the chances for you doing so are relatively high.
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Image taken on 2009-04-16 10:45:27. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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