Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters: Step-by-Step Instructions With Companion CD-ROM

  • ISBN13: 9781601382382
  • Condition: New
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Product Description
Your cover letter is what decides if a company looks at your résumé contacts you for an interview, or gets you placed in the rejection pile. Knowing that, it is important to create a well-written, eye-catching letter that sells your achievements and job skills to impress the recruiter. However, many people are unable to effectively translate their thoughts into words when faced with the task. That is where The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Résumé Cover Letters comes in. With this book you will be able to craft a letter that will undoubtedly land you the interview. In this new book, you will learn how to address your letter, how to grab the reader s attention immediately, how to format your letter, how to choose the font, how to be professional but persuasive, how to choose the type of paper, and how to target your letter. You will also learn about writing the different kinds of letters, including those in response to a classified advertisement, those in response to a blind advertisement, those sent to employment agencies, cold letters, and broadcast letters; writing style guidelines; what to include in your letter; writing for an online audience; cover letter styles; and common mistakes recruiters abhor. Additionally, you will find examples of effective and ineffective letters, proven tips for making your letter stand out, sample phrases to use, and letters for new graduates, for professionals, and for those changing careers. Also included are samples specific to job industries, including administration and clerical; accounting; banking and finance, government; health care and social services; hospitality and food service; human resources; law enforcement and legal; manufacturing; sales, marketing, and customer service; skilled trades; technology; and science and engineering. The companion CD-ROM is packed with samples and worksheets to help you brainstorm and create a successful cover letter. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in The Complete Guide to Writing Effective résumé Cover Letters you will ensure that your letter will impress the recruiter and that you will be contacted for an interview. In the end you will create a tool that will be of enormous importance to you in your job search.

Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters: Step-by-Step Instructions With Companion CD-ROM

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5 Responses to “Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters: Step-by-Step Instructions With Companion CD-ROM”

  1. Margo Upson says:

    Cover letters are essential to getting a good job, and the better your cover letter is, the better your chances are of getting the position you are applying for. The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters, by Kimberly Sarmiento, is an essential book for anyone looking to get into a competitive position. Anything you might want to know about writing a cover letter is in this book.

    The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Cover Letters is packed full of advice on how to write a cover letter that will get you noticed, in a good way. It starts out with explaining why a cover letter is so important, and then discusses the different types of cover letters and how to write them. Some of the best parts of this book are the sections on introducing and then marketing yourself. There are also over 100 pages of industry-specific tips and samples, covering most of the most popular careers.

    I work in a profession where knowing how to write a great cover letter is essential to my success. I wish I had read this book when I was first starting out; the information in it is invaluable, and I can’t wait to get started putting this information to use. If you are applying for a new position, you need this book.

    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. T. Watson says:

    This book was really helpful. It gives precise examples of cover letters employers may ask for. Also, the book is helpful as it catergorizes the letters by job relation.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  3. Pat Grayston says:

    Whether you’re writing a cover letter for the first time, or it’s been awhile since it was necessary, Sarmiento’s Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters will arm you with all the basics to get noticed in today’s competitive work force. She offers sound advice accompanied by `thinking outside the box’ suggestions and backs it up with insider tips from a variety of professionals.

    Sarmiento leads you through the entire process with writing guidelines, common grammatical mistakes to avoid, as well as what to include and what to omit. To make it even easier she provides dozens of sample cover letters for specific applications and industries. It’s a jungle out there and this book can help blaze a trail to grabbing the attention of a future employer.

    It’s well written, but tends to be slightly repetitive in content, but nonetheless is a good tool to help get your foot in the door and keep your resume out of the recycle bin.

    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. Mystery says:

    Due to current workload I had not the time I wanted to have to read this book.I paged through the book and from what I saw and read it did ring certain bells in my head.

    In the current economic situation it is important to have a very good cover letter attached with your resume. This book will certainly give you the tools you need for your outstanding cover letter.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. For so many jobs, it may boil down to the presentation of the resume. “The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters: Step-by-Step Instructions” is a guide for job hunters who want to have every edge they can in getting that job of their dreams. The cover letter is the first thing many employers see, and first impressions are lasting – a poor one is a pain to recover from. Offering countless tips and tricks, author Kimberly Sarmeinto packs in a companion CD with many samples to help job seekers out. “The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Resume Cover Letters” is a strong consideration for those about to send out resumes.
    Rating: 5 / 5