When you can’t keep paying for the cell phone to be turned on 24/7 or the gas to keep going places, how long do you spend at home waiting for a potential employer to call? One day for every three spent searching or do you have a formula at all?
Image taken on 2009-09-28 15:21:58. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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No formula, i give them my home phone and my cell number….i let the machine pick up the calls if im unavailable..if they are interested to hire u they will leave u messages……u dont have to freeze ur life…waiting for them….
No waiting for calls. You are suppoosed to tell them that you will be calling them back in a week in the cover letter, and then call them back in a week.
all of them until i get the call…..having a job even if it means waiting for a week for a return call is more important…but i have always found it helpful to contact the interviewer or whomever you spoke with in a day or two to at least touch base offer a thanks for seeing me/ considering me…keep yourself fresh in their head…if they are not interested they most likely will tell you then….also you could write a short follow up letter to do the same..this way they can read their own mail at their convenience( usually the day received) and you wont have interupted