Job question: no call after strong verbal interest?

I met with someone about some volunteer work I am doing. They asked me about my background (work, education). I told them. They asked me for work samples and resume b/c they had a project that they thought I could help on. I sent everything. During the meeting about the volunteer work and via an email they expressed strong interest in hiring me to do some contractrual work. Told me all about the project, etc. Since that initial meeting and one email, I rec’d nothing. I have emailed to check in but nothing. A total lock out. Weird. What is weird is I will have to interface with her about the volunteer work. I guess I shouldn’t mention the paid work? How awkward. Pls thoughts.
these are excellent points. I will not take it personally and be confident. thanks so far to answerers.

Image taken on 2009-09-28 14:02:50. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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3 Responses to “Job question: no call after strong verbal interest?”

  1. Sarah C says:

    Give her a call, it does seem really strange. Depending on how long it has been since the last email you sent, I’d send them another email and remind them you are still EXTREMELY interested and would like to hear back from them whether they will hire you or not.

  2. teresathegreat says:

    It might not be anything personal – perhaps they lost the funding for this position, and don’t have a (paid) job to offer anymore. Or maybe they are awaiting a decision from somebody higher up the chain of command. This is pretty common in business and the hiring process can take much longer than you’d think.

    If you want, you can mention that you’re “always interested in doing more work with (company)” to signal that you’re still interested; you can ask about the job outright, but it might be an awkward conversation.

  3. tellthetruthabc says:

    It is perfectly ok to approach her while volunteering. Make it casual, not pushy and just ask if they had ever come to a decision regarding the project work they had discussed with you.It may be as simple as not enough funding or the project may have been usurped by another one.