Many people today are out in the job market looking for employment. There are a lot of layoffs happening and people are struggling to pay their bills. If you need a job in Dallas Texas there are quite a few choices for you. If you have a college degree, there are some great white collar jobs that are still hiring. The oil and gas industry is big in Dallas and they are always looking for quality managers. Some of the disciplines that you can find work in, include: marketing, accounting, human resources, payroll, production management and information technology.
You don’t have to go into oil and gas in Dallas to find a job, there are other areas that are still hiring. You can find IT jobs and health care jobs at local hospitals. Health care is a great niche, because people there tend to do ok even when the economy slows down. Some areas in Dallas are hurting more than others – retail and luxury item companies have been slow because of a sharp drop off in consumber spending.
You can find great work at home assistant jobs in Dallas. If you ever wanted to be a virtual assistant, you can find some rewarding careers helping people all over the world and right from the comfort of your own home.
Use all the available resources when looking for a job in Dallas. A great place to start is Craigslist, there are so many job postings there and it doesn’t cost anything to browse through what is available. You can also consider signing up for or – two very popular job sites.
Need to find a Job in Dallas? Come look at the free information on our site:
Image taken on 2009-09-28 14:14:58. Image Source. (Used with permission)
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