The 5 Simple Rules of Finding and Securing A Great Job Fast

The days of picking up a newspaper and simply circling help wanted or job ads are over.  Because millions of people surf the net every hour of everyday, employers now depend on popular job boards online to advertise their current job listings.

As a job seeker, this allows you to browse through hundeds of thousands of jobs available online, and apply to as many of them as you like.  While that may sound like a great opportunity for you to place your resume in the hands of the several hiring managers, on the contrary, unless you already know the 5 rules required to securing a job, chances are your resume is sitting in several email inboxes, and not being read.

Being that thousands of job seekers depend on the jobs advertised on the Jabba-Jobs Job board, we discuss with the hiring managers what exactly seperates the candidates/resumes they review, from the resumes they never even notice. And here are the five do’s and don’t based on what we learned from hiring managers:

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation.  – Employers can not stress enough how important the presentation of your resume matters.  Many employers have passed on reading resumes simply because of the format, text type, lack of format, and layout of a resume.  Before submitting your resume to the next job online, have it reviewed by a professional resume writer, recruiter, or head hunter, and ask for their opinion and/or suggestion on how you can improve your resume.  Stong resumes get the job.  Weak resumes never get noticed. Cover Letters Are A Must! – Many job seekers have either forgetten or never learned how valuable cover letters are.  Cover letters allow you to express in your own words, how your relevant experience would benefit the company if hired, your accomplishments related to the position you are applying for, and further express your interest in the position.  Cover letters should always be professional, yet have an added touch of your personality.  Cover letters are also a great resource for name dropping if you learned about the position through a valuable friend or colleague.   So the next time you’re apply for a position, be sure to include a cover letter along with your resume. Do Not Rely On One Source. – This is extremely crucial for anyone who has struggled for more than a month to find a job.  If you are searching for employment, whether it be a newspaper or online, from one source, you are wasting precious time.  As I mentioned earlier in this article, many employers list their jobs with the job board of their choice.  Just because you’re familiar with a popular job board, does not mean that every employer is.  Some job boards are more expensive than others, therefore, employers shop around for job boards that are affordable, and relevant to their industry.  I suggest you do some research online to discover as many job boards as you can.  Add your resume to the board if possible, but certainly explore the job boards you find online for current job listings in your area.  If you haven’t already visited JabbaJobs.org yet, I encourage you to do so.  New Jobs are added every hour. Follow Ups Are Key. – Because employers list their jobs on the very popular job boards, they tend to receive hundreds of resumes for the very same position.  Keep note of the companies and positions you allpy to, and follow up with the company 2-3 days after you submit your resume to ensure that they received it, and that the position is still available.  Follow up is key.  Following up might just get you a phone interview, and your resume in the hands of the hiring manager sooner. Consistency. – Finding and securing employment requires full-time dedication.  Much like you worked to keep a job when you had it, you must also work on finding one.  Begin searching and apply for work early in the day and put in as much time as possible.  Research has proven that job seekers who found work within days of searching, committed 8-12 hours daily.  If you have the time, use it to find employment.  Your focus will pay off.

Always follow these rules, and you’ll see interviews begin to line up for you.

To search for local jobs in your area, visit www.JabbaJobs.org today.

Jobs are posted every hour, everyday.  Housekeeping Jobs, Nanny Jobs, Work From Home Jobs, Management Jobs, Hospitality Jobs, Accounting Jobs, and so much more.

Find Jobs Faster!

Image taken on 2009-09-29 10:38:24. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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