Alternative job searching strategies are critical to your job hunting success.
And at the top of the amazing alternative job searching list is learning to become a “job entrepreneur.” Very simply, it means running your job campaign like your own business. Becoming a job entrepreneur is an exciting innovative “alternative” job searching method and a powerful personal development technique.
There are many aspects to conducting your alternative job searching methods like a becoming a job entrepreneur.
First, it means abandoning any kind of mass marketing approach like mailing hundreds, even thousands of resumes. Or posting your digital resume on a job websites. If you’ve tried these approaches you already know they don’t work. Not unless you’re willing to wait weeks, or even months for something to develop.
Once you decide to get serious about making a job change . . . and you want to see some results in a matter of days instead of months . . . then choosing alternative strategies like becoming a job entrepreneur is the only personal development solution.
One of the very first techniques to put to work in becoming a successful job entrepreneur is “research.” The good news is you can do your research very fast and conveniently online. Here”s what to do:
1. Decide what useful information you want to acquire, e.g. corporate literature, Who’s Who for specific decision makers, product or services information, job change tips, resume-writing examples, interviewing techniques, etc. Also take advantage of college alumni, community, headhunter, and newspaper sites.
2. Save, digest or bookmark sites you discover using good search engines. Put them into easily accessible digital files.
3. From all this information select areas of interest starting with geographical preferences. Then move on to products and services that attract your attention or that match with your interests or work history. Finally make a list of companies that fall within your parameters.
4. The last piece of essential research is perhaps the most important of all . . . identifying specific decision-makers by name who could possibly be your next boss. You’ll find this information at the corporate websites, Who’s Who, local service club info, online newspaper files, alumni sites, etc.
Once you’ve acquired this important preliminary research your in a unique position to develop entrepreneurial strategies for getting in front of these selected decision-makers. And that’s when the personal development fun really begins!
Having an alternative job searching plan of action just make a lot of sense. It’s called “alternative” because it employs exceptional and unique strategies and techniques that are much more consistent with today’s sophisticated job market that the old-fashioned resume-based methods.
Paul Bowley manages EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and innovative e-business strategies . . . since 1985. Check out THE WORLD’S FASTEST JOB SEARCH PLAN! And grab our stunning FREE REPORT!
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