Question by livlaughluv: Resume Writing Highschool and GED question?
I’m trying to help my husband fill out his resume. We’re trying to find the best way to write that he completed his 11th year but never finished his senior year and he now has his GED. Does anybody have any ideas as to how I can write this.
Best answer:
Answer by CoachT
In the education grouping:
[date], GED, [state that issued it], [score if it matters to the employer]
[dates], [Name of High School and location], completed grade 11
Some people will offer you all sorts of ideas to try to make it look “better” but reality is that it is what it is and HR people aren’t going to be fooled no matter what you write – they know what a GED is and that some people, for whatever reason, go that route. So just toss it out there in standard format.
He should develop a well thought out answer for the question “why did you leave high school in the 11th grade?” that isn’t defensive. He shouldn’t offer the explanation unless asked – in many cases it doesn’t matter.
You can improve the education section by getting some college or technical trade school certification to put above it. In that case it makes the HS and GED record irrelevant.
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