An expensive college degree can be almost worthless depending on what you chose to major in. It is not necessarily a good idea to select a major based on money, but you should think carefully before selecting a major that is associated with notoriously low pay. Here are the top 10 degrees to get you nowhere:
1. Architecture
2. Latin
3. Music therapy
4. Social science
5. English literature
6. American studies
7. Poetry
8. Art history
9. Theology
10. Puppetry
These degrees are not bad in and of themselves, but it is rare that they will lead to good jobs. Most of these degrees do not provide the skills and knowledge necessary to work in the corporate world or do much of anything else. Employers do not think very highly of these types of programs and they would rather hire graduates that studied majors like engineering, business, or computer science.
Source: Best Degree Programs
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