You might be bored of your present job or you might be looking for another career to earn more money but you cannot do either of the two without due consideration to a couple of very important things. For your convenience, here is a list with some of the important things you should consider before changing your career:
If you are planning to switch careers, you should have a logical and justifiable reason for doing that. You might be moving for growth or it might be your interest in the other career that fueling your desire but make sure you know the reason before you make the move.
Since you are planning on switching careers, now would be a good time to evaluate your options to understand what fields interest you.
Once you make a list of careers that you want to consider, try to find out the qualification level required for getting a job in those fields. By doing this, you will be able to narrow down your search and come to a concrete solution.
Do an online research or ask people you know from your field of to interest about the current job opportunities in that field. There isn’t much point in jumping into something without estimating your struggle period.
Think about the amount of salary you will draw in your chosen career path. Will it be more than your current salary? Will you be able to look after yourself and your family (if you have one) with it?
This is vital for evaluating your stint in a new career. Your duration of stay as an employee in the company will depend on how comfortable you feel in that work environment. Unless you feel happy and satisfied there, you might find it difficult to cope with everything.
You might not get your dream job in your dream career. You might have to start small and make your way to the top. Consider your comfort level with that. If you are currently in an important role in your company, starting small might be really challenging for you.
If you do start small, will you need any additional qualifications to grow in that field? If yes, then do you have the time and energy to enroll yourself in any classes while working?
Your work schedule is very important because it determines the time you will need to be in office everyday. Unless you are comfortable with the work hours, changing your career might not be a good idea.
Your personal life is as important as your professional life. Will your career change affect your social life? If you have a family, then think about how much time you will get to spend with your wife and/or kids.
Some people cannot handle too much work pressure while others can perform even better under pressure. Which one of these two categories do you fall into? Think before you leap! Understand the demand of the new career to determine the amount of pressure you will have to face.
Think about your relationship with your boss. That is very important to establish a healthy work environment. Limit your boss’s impact on your personal life and don’t make this decision out of dislike towards him.
A career change is too big to be done on your own. You will need your friends and family to support you whenever you feel discouraged. Make sure they are willing to stand by you through your career change.
When you choose a particular career path, think about how much you know with regards to it. If you do not have sufficient knowledge pertaining to that particular field, make sure you gather some before you put your papers down.
Survival is the most important aspect of everyone’s life, be it personal or professional. Unless you are sure about your survival skills, rethink your decision to shift your career.
Are you changing your career because you want to or is it because your friends recently changed theirs? Peer pressure can make us do a lot of things we will eventually regret so be confident about your interest in the career change before you go ahead with it.
You might not have been bothered about your credit scores prior to this but when you look for a job, your prospective employer might check your credit scores to understand your credibility. If you have a high debt on one of your credit cards, try to get the balance transferred to another credit card that offers a low interest rate and pay it off as quickly as possible.
Before you switch jobs, you should make sure you have enough savings in your account to fund your day to day needs. In case you don’t, save up like never before!
A back up plan is a must when making any kind of a life altering decision. Think about an emergency plan in case this career move doesn’t work out for you. Leave on good terms with your boss so that you leave a window of opportunity open for yourself.
Don’t resign on an impulse. Think clearly and cohesively before resigning.
About the author: This post is written by Julia. You may also how to choose a career.
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