Entry-level resumes are specially formatted for job seekers with a limited or without any employment experience. Work background is only part of your many career strengths. There can always be a good resume draft for someone willing to get employed.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
There are a variety of job resume formats out there and our expert is here to help you pick the best one for you with this free job hunting video. Expert: Tine Buechler Bio: Tine Buechler obtained her BA in adult education from Brock University in St Catherines, ON. She also graduated with a BA in sociology from the University of Western in London, ON. Filmmaker: Melissa Schenk
Video Rating: 3 / 5
HOW TO MAKE A VIDEO RESUME (DVD TUTORIAL) – Chp.2 Pick Your Template (www.ResumeBlimp.com)
Video Rating: 5 / 5
How to create a resume section by section in OptimalResume.com’s Resume Builder, Optimal 2.0 edition.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
This tutorial covers creating an amateur voice acting resume at www.voiceacting.co.uk . You can sign up for free and create a full profile, where you can list your roles and link your work. If you are looking for voice actors, then an resumes created are put into the voice actor’s directory which you can search. Signing up to the site is free, we do our best to support the amateur voice acting community. We have a whole bunch of tutorials, interviews as well as a…
Resume should highlight your achievements, and our expert is here to show you how to best display your accomplishments in this free job hunting video. Expert: Tine Buechler Bio: Tine Buechler obtained her BA in adult education from Brock University in St Catherines, ON. She also graduated with a BA in sociology from the University of Western in London, ON. Filmmaker: Melissa Schenk
Video Rating: 4 / 5
If you’re still using an “Objective Statement”, you need a new Resume. If you just copied and pasted your previous Job Description, you absolutely need a new Resume. Start with this basic Articulating Accomplishments exercise. It’s the base for your Resume, and used for telephone and face-to-face interviews. Struggling with your resume? Let us help you articulate your career accomplishments. We write your resume with you, so get started here, and contact us when you’re ready at rescueresumes.com Questions? Visit us at http Copyright 2010,…
Here’s an easy and effective way to write a resume for a productive jobhunt. Hope this helps! For custom resumes in ENGLISH, DUTCH, FRENCH and RUSSIAN email me at nonkelroge@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Video Rating: 4 / 5