If you’re seeking an executive-level position in the 0000 to million+ range, an executive biography is a necessary tool to give your job search an edge over the competition and give the employer a deeper understanding of your background, accomplishments and skills. Expanding on your history and experience, an executive biography presents you professionally and clearly to potential employers, providing scope and depth to what you could bring to a firm or company. As the current market for executives and upper-level professionals is very competitive,…
Following my service in the Army, I was looking for a position to help the many injured soldiers coming back from war. I posted my resume on Monster.com and it changed my life. Thanks to Monster.com, my life and my passion is having a positive outcome for so many people suffering from amputation loss. I love what I do and Monster.com gave me the tools to help me do what I love: helping others! If you found a job on monster.com, help other job seekers…
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Some job recruiters will call applicants at work, where it is inappropriate to discuss other job offers. Learn what the best thing to do and say in that situation is with advice from acareer adviser in this free video on job guidance. Expert: Pat Goodwin Contact: www.PatGoodwinAssociates.com Bio: Pat Goodwin is a certified personnel consultant and a career transition consultant who has worked with hundreds of individuals over the past 20 years. Filmmaker: Todd Green
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www.rdgcareers.com Learn how to handle a difficult and toxic situation at work. Some helpful tips on how to deal with a bad boss at your work. Take control and don;t be a victim! Call RDG Careers at 1-877-860-9675
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Adecco Group North America’s CEO Tig Gillam provides insights on the job market and the work place economy.
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www.phcconsulting.com Another video by the medical sales recruiter to help you “work a trade show” to improve your job, career, or life. Get hired now using tips and techniques that Peggy describes to put your best foot forward in the interview process. job-search-success-secrets.com
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A brief overview of the features and functions of AutoSearch – learn more at www.getautosearch.com
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In order to choose a career that fits with a specific personality, an individual must have an understanding of herself, and this can be achieved by utilizing several tools, such as self-assessment exams. Discover why extroverts should look for jobs in a social setting with help from a career counseling specialist in this free video on choosing a career. Expert: Robbie Hurtado Bio: Robbie Hurtado is a career counseling specialist at the Richmond Works One-Stop Career Center. Filmmaker: Sam Lee
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Most salary proposals are negotiable and there are tips on how to correctly leverage for a higher amount of money. Negotiate a salary offer with advice on how to get perks such as air travel and a company car using advice from acareer adviser in this free video on job guidance. Expert: Pat Goodwin Contact: www.PatGoodwinAssociates.com Bio: Pat Goodwin is a certified personnel consultant and a career transition consultant who has worked with hundreds of individuals over the past 20 years. Filmmaker: Todd…