Executives Network President and CEO Molly Wendell shares her job-networking tips on PCT 26 (Pacific Community Television) on March 28, 2008. The show is titled, “You’re Hired!”
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From entry-level employee to seasoned executives, In this era of downsizing and outsourcing, you can never be sure your job will still exist in five years or in five weeks for that matter. So you’d better think of your career as a continual job search. Build a passion for lifetime learning and acquire the skills for relentless and effective networking. You can either sit idle doing just enough to give the appearance of an all-out effort OR you can implement actionable plans to…
Executives Network President and CEO Molly Wendell shares her job-networking tips on PCT 26 (Pacific Community Television) on March 28, 2008. The show is titled, “You’re Hired!”
Rating: 0 | Views: 472
Executives Network President and CEO Molly Wendell shares her job-networking tips on PCT 26 (Pacific Community Television) on March 28, 2008. The show is titled, “You’re Hired!”
Rating: 5 | Views: 675
Your contact information is more important than you realize. Adding your profile to our database means employers can search for you and even contact you about jobs.
Rating: 5 | Views: 68839
Chances are you don’t like your job. When you reach out for your dreams and you find you need to leave your current job, which isn’t always an easy thing to do. Here are some tips on not burning a bridge that you may need to cross over at a later date.
Rating: 4 | Views: 1585
Brian Krueger, President of CollegeGrad.com, presents “How and Where to Post Your Resume.” Watch this video and learn how to succeed in your job search.
Rating: 5 | Views: 3906
www.jailtojob.com Help for ex-offenders looking for jobs is a blog with lots of information to help people with criminal records to get jobs
Rating: 4 | Views: 957