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Please visit my webiste for more information at ensign.senate.gov
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With unemployment at its highest levels in years, looking for a job in today’s tough economy can really get you down. Life coach, speaker and author Margie Warrell gives advice on how to stay positive if you’re looking for a job and what steps you can take to help you find a job.
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Inspired by Grameen and BRAC, London Creative Labs is proud to announce it’s first Job Labs program to facilitate the creation of Social Businesses in London. The program, which welcomes collaborators and partners from all fields, will deal with the issue of joblessness through the use of a specially designed process by Sofia Bustamante. The process will holistically address the societal challenge of joblessness by: * Nurturing individuals and their capacities through the use of Peer Coaching and Deep Support. * Identifying systemic…
Unemployed Yosser Hughes – Bernard Hill, Gizza Job – BAFTA award winning Boys from the Blackstuff.
Rating: 5 | Views: 7274
Unemployment is difficult for all members of the family, both children and adults. This 2 min video presents eight practical ways to support your children in making this adjustment. Dr. Boulden is an award winning author of over 40 books used in counseling children in distress that are used in thousands of schools..
Rating: 4 | Views: 135
The party may be over in Singapore (November 2008) news.bbc.co.uk
Rating: 0 | Views: 317
The root problems with the gop’s Corporate Welfare plan and how it caused the staggering unemployment and collapse of the US economy.
Rating: 2 | Views: 815