Are you planning to select nursing as a career option? If you wish to become a registered nurse then it’s never too late to start collecting information about various academic programs that are specifically designed for college graduates who wish to take nursing as a serious profession. These programs offer post baccalaureate, second degree and accelerated degree programs.
The nursing career has progressed much ahead of its times and opened new avenues, especially in fields like travel nursing. A travel nurse is a nursing professional who is provided…
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This is a detailed guide to a range of career possibilities in the world of music.
Career Opportunities in the Music Industry
In order to choose a career that fits with a specific personality, an individual must have an understanding of herself, and this can be achieved by utilizing several tools, such as self-assessment exams. Discover why extroverts should look for jobs in a social setting with help from a career counseling specialist in this free video on choosing a career. Expert: Robbie Hurtado Bio: Robbie Hurtado is a career counseling specialist at the Richmond Works One-Stop Career Center. Filmmaker: Sam Lee
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Occupational therapists assist their patients in performing all types of tasks, ranging from using a computer to handling their basic daily needs such as cooking, dressing and eating. Sometimes, an occupational therapist uses computer programs to help the patients to improve their decision-making skills, problem solving and perceptual skills, as well as their memory and coordination skills. The main aim of an occupational therapist is to help the client lead a normal independent life.
Occupational therapists are basically concerned about human occupations, as they believe that people…
Freelance writing is a profession you can undertake from your home, your office – or indeed, from anywhere in the world. It may be a full time occupation, a part time hobby, a second job or a lucrative career for you. Whatever your reasons for looking at freelance writing as an opportunity, being a paid writer is a demanding role, but also a rewarding and fulfilling activity.
Many companies only employ graduates with at least a 2.1 degree in one of many subjects. Many freelance writers are professionals with…
There are numerous medical careers, including entry-level positions in medical billing and coding, front office work, reception, and pharmacy technician positions. Discover opportunities in medicine that don’t involve going to medical school or nursing school with help from a career counseling specialist in this free video on medical careers. Expert: Robbie Hurtado Bio: Robbie Hurtado is a career counseling specialist at the Richmond Works One-Stop Career Center. Filmmaker: Sam Lee
Rating: 5 | Views: 2457
Your college life is finished and now it is high time to think about future career and job. First of all, it is necessary to start with the career planning that is making some plans for future related to your future job. Career planning is necessary if you want to attain success and avoid some difficulties that you may face in the very beginning of your career path. Determine your career goal that will help you to make career planning faster and easier. 1.This goal will help you to…
Careers in health information technology include medical records clerks and medical records technologists. Learn about jobs in medical billing and coding with help from a career counseling specialist in this free video on health information technology careers. Expert: Robbie Hurtado Bio: Robbie Hurtado is a career counseling specialist at the Richmond Works One-Stop Career Center. Filmmaker: Sam Lee
Rating: 5 | Views: 2909
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This highly successful book has been called the most comprehensive text on the market, providing students with needed career theory as well as practical techniques and examples. Through the author’s clear writing style, case examples, tables, and exercises, students develop a solid understanding of the theoretical models of career counseling and are thoroughly exposed to the practical information on how to effectively counsel clients about career issues.
Career Counseling: Applied Concepts of Life Planning
Date: 28 February 2009, Saturday Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Facilitator: Mr Steven Chong The fundamentals of resume writing and cover letter were covered in this workshop. The process started with the jobs the participants are targeting, and how one can target-write the resume and cover letter specifically for the job, company and industry.
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