Well I turned 16 last October and got a job at a sub joint at the beginning of this year. I am still, after 9 months, working at the same place, and I feel like its time for a change for many reasons. In my area they are building a Spectrum gym and I think it would be a perfect job for me considering I love excerise and sports and I can probably make more money and get a free membership on top of that. The place doesnt open for…
A cover letter is a quick description about why one resume is better for a particular job position than all the other resumes, so having specific job position details in it is very important. Write a cover letter specific to each job application by using these tips from a career adviser in this free video on job guidance. Expert: Pat Goodwin Contact: www.PatGoodwinAssociates.com Bio: Pat Goodwin is a certified personnel consultant and a career transition consultant who has worked with hundreds of individuals…
Never underestimate the power of an internship. This is more than just training ground for a lot of people. Internships can also lead to real jobs and real careers, with the kind of rewards many people only dream of. With that kind of possibility for a rewarding future, why should you place yourself on the line and miss out on an excellent opportunity simply because you were too lazy to look beyond a sample cover letter for an internship?
Internships are not real jobs, but…
When you apply for…
Finding a job will be a lot easier if you have a powerful resume that will put your future employer on hot seat. It is like telling them either you get them now or suffer the consequences. That is as far as what your skills can show.
However, most applicants can exactly do the same. Of course, this can be traced down to the very fact that every applicant would want to be hired. With all these similarities, it will be doubly hard for you to get your potential…
You finally made it through nursing school and are ready to put what you have learned into practice. The first step in getting the nursing job of your dreams is to compose a viable, nursing cover letter to introduce yourself to the potential employer and let them know exactly what you can do. A good cover letter gives your job search the punch it needs to be fruitful and successful. Nurse your cover letter with tender, loving care and you are sure to be satisfied with the end result.…
Are you wondering how you can make a professional cover letter for a resume but do not know where to start? The first rule of thumb for making a professional cover letter is to follow the standard business letter format. That means the date goes at the top, then you space down five returns, type in the address where you are sending the letter to, hit return two more times and start your letter. If you have the name of the person who will receive your resume, type “Dear…
If you simply copy a free resume cover letter off the net, you’re relying on the same template most of the other job applicants are using. You need a way to make your cover letter unforgettable.
Free Cover Letter Templates Microsoft
Here are a few quick tactics that will help.
Best Cover Letter Tool Click here
1. Relate an interesting story about yourself. Start with sample resume cover letters, sure. But add a story about about yourself. People recount stories again and again. Brief snippets and anecdotes that they…
The job market is much like the weather. Sometimes it is balmy and tropical, other times it is Arctic and frigid. Truth be known, companies are always hiring even when they claim to be subject to a freeze. If the right cold cover letter comes across the desk of the right manager, and turns up the heat a little, you can rest assured that those cold-shoulder conditions are bound to warm up fast. A solid, cold cover letter is effective fuel to fire up your job search.
A cold…
When applying for any new position, you will want to have a polished and attention-getting cover letter. In order to assure that it is laid out correctly, you will need to have a first-rate cover letter format.
A cover letter should follow the same format as would a classic business letter, and should speak to three common issues: The first paragraph should explain to the employer why you are writing. Let him or her know the position you are interested in, and if you are replying to a…