Your resumes are like your precursors, they are usually something that introduces you before you have had the chance to do so in person. So when you are in the process or determining how to write a resume, here are some more pointers as regards the mistakes that you should avoid making:
Making it Too Long: This is the age of twitter, of 140 characters to say all that you want in order to best convey your idea, it is an age of fast food and short…
Back in 2000 when the technology bubble burst I found myself out of work for a total of 17 months between 2000 and 2004. This is my story of what I believe are some modern “walk on water” type of miracles that I hope will encourage you if you are in your own job search.
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This video describes how to use the Google Reader and RSS as a Strategic Job Search Tool – Part 1 of 2. From a blog and website dedicated to helping the job seeker optimized the search process.
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Brought to you by the Career Center at Lawrence University
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I need a good resume template to get a job part time, i’m a student in highschool and study carpentry as a trade, I made a resume before but I don’t think it was good enough because noone called and I need a cover page template too, I jus need something to go by and make mine with, thanks
Image taken on 2009-02-19 12:34:53. Image Source. (Used with permission)
The following illustrates how to approach the resume writing process:
A job seeker has a 25-year sketchy background that includes several career transitions. Career choices range from her early beginnings as a music education teacher to her business partnership in video production which is ongoing and sporadic to her more recent experience in retail sales. In between, she raised her children and obtained a bachelor’s degree in media production. Additional experience includes office managerial positions and part-time evening work as a dispatcher for an alarm company that she…
How to write a perfect IT resume – Part 1
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How to write a perfect IT resume (Part 3)
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