Anything will do. Any topic, too.
Image taken on 2009-09-30 00:01:05. Image Source. (Used with permission)
I’m looking at program manager positions in higher education. NOT faculty jobs, and NOT support services (fin aid, bursar, etc.). Looking, rather, at roles like technology transfer/licensing, department/institute marketing… the business-like functions of universities.
Looking for a good sample – haven’t had luck combing Monster or even Chronicle of Higher Ed. I already know I do NOT need a CV for this (CVs are for faculty only at most schools).
Any links or pointers, please?
I’m sorry, it seems I wasn’t clear….
I know how to write a resume…
I am applying for a job on line and the ad asks for me to send in my cover letter, resume and a writing sample. I have my resume and cover letter, but what kind of writing sample do I submit? The job is for an Administrative Assistant at the Legal Aid Society in NYC. Thanks.
Image taken on 2008-11-14 03:24:57. Image Source. (Used with permission)
So, you finally finished your resume and now it’s time to write your application letter. You know in order to get noticed you need your application letter to really stand out to the employer. You want that interview, but you don’t know the first thing about writing an application letter. You understand all the key points, but you’re no good at organizing your thoughts on paper. So you turn to your computer, log on to the internet and Google “free application letters”. Hundreds of websites pop up offering tons…
I am back in the job market and have never written a resume. And from the ads for the jobs I am qualified for seem to be going that route first instead of application first, I need a sample of something that has been successful for someone else. Or if an employer out there would be so gracious as to help me get back to gainful employment I would be extremely grateful. My life plan got interrupted at age 41 and now at age 48 I am sort of at…
How can I get a general resume’s sample with standard articles helping me getting a job?
Image taken on 2009-02-22 15:21:42. Image Source. (Used with permission)
This is for a job at a paper mill.
Image taken on 2009-04-16 12:37:23. Image Source. (Used with permission)